show me:
- Eco Design
- Mix Media Art
- Print Design
- Websites

White Orchid Wedding
Extensive wordpress site, new branding logo and custom css coding to wordpress theme.

Primordial Alchemist
This website required a complete design and company image. My clients described their visions, and we birthed a graphic logo, color scheme, and font choice to create the Primordial Alchemist website. SEO capabilites, gift shop were some of the major components created on this site. This site is a resource for meditation and spiritual awakening practices, and needed a soft, feminine, reflective design, as well as strength, clarity, and mystery.

Kupukupu Arts & Healing Center
A newly opened arts and healing center in Big Island Hawaii, the client requested a design brand for the new company as well as a wordpress site allowing the client easy access to updates and announcements for the center. Situated in lush rainforest, this center's brand colors reflect its natural environment and healing space it provides for all those visit.

Diana Lopez Soto
My client needed a simple, clean, and informative website, within her budget. I met all of her needs, as well as finishing this project within a week and launching it online to promote her dance company. This project was a success as it spoke of simplicity, elegance, and professionalism. Site structure: HTML, CSS stylesheet website.

Terra Firma Lawn and Garden
This landscape maintenance company requested a new brand look, including logo, and wordpress website.

Kiso Method
Kiso Method is a chiropractic practice and a non-force alignment technique website. My client approached me already with a design concept and colors and needed a simple clean site that had search engine optimization capabilities, and a products page to sell his books and teaching tools. This wordpress site has allowed this client easy access in updating his own website.

Ailani Orchards
This organic coffee and honey farm located on the southern tip of Big Island Hawaii, needed a simple HTML CSS stye sheet website, included designs for the logo, brand, new product labels and an integrative paypal shopping cart.

Traditional Chinese Medical College of Hawaii - a medical school providing Masters of Oriental Medicine degrees - HTML, CSS based website, with Flash banner on the homepage. This website is no longer online.

Wailea Weddings
Built in 2006, this flash-based website is a collaboration with photographer and art director, Graham Chappell, and inspired viewers using visually stunning photography and moving, interactive animation. Includes Flash and javascript.

Cobb Structure
As one of the volunteers, this structure was built from all natural materials, and directed by Ian Marcuse. I participated in designing the windows as well as constructing walls using straw, sand and clay, as well as living roof.

Treehugger Project
Built from recycled materials, this design art piece was created as my final graduation sculpture piece in 2004 for my BFA. An interactive, functional artwork that was livable, transportable and can be installed at any height using climbing equipment. It holds 1000 lbs, sleeps two, and has air vents, windows and a waterproof skin.